Electronic Life 🌱

Advancing engagements with creative AI.

Beyond the Fashion-plate (2023), Clipdrop (Stability AI) generated artwork, extending from Richard Hamilton’s Fashion-plate (1969-70), Tate Collection. Drag across the image to compare with original artwork.

Electronic Life is a research entity offering public programming, with a focus on working collaboratively with creative practitioners, industry partners, community groups and arts organisations.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents exciting opportunities for creativity and human endeavour, but it also raises serious challenges for the future of society. We don’t have all the answers about what it might mean for the future of art and society. But we do have a lot of questions, and you might too!

Acting as an open forum for experimentation and debate, Electronic Life offers a creative platform to enable hands-on enquiry with AI tools in the context of the art museum.

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